Wednesday, March 29, 2006

A Momentous Decision

One thing my weight loss journey has shown me is that no matter what you endeavor in life, it starts with a decision. Then you set up a plan. Then take action. Normally those easy steps will lead you to success. Things may get in your way and your plan may not always go as you thought, but it all starts with a decision.
I have been looking to the universe etc for a solution to figure out how to go to Bikram teacher training. This morning I woke up and there was the decision and now I have a plan. I will do this. My goal is to go in April 2008. That gives me two solid years to save the cash and sabbotical some vacation to take the 9 weeks off to go.
I have the plan down and now will take the action. I ran numbers. Have to talk to fiance. Guess the wedding is scaled back even further. We can get married in LA as Bikram training graduation.
The poor guy. He went to his son's therapist (Quack) to discuss the ADHD. The therapist put a huge guilt trip on poor John who does NOT deserve it. He is a doting parent to this little turd. Apparently little turd is whining, which I figured, to this therapist about John not paying attention to him 24/7. He feels he has to split him with me. I mean really. Turd is 14. I am almost never home and am either shopping or at yoga and leave him plenty of time. I was hoping the therapist would work with John and the mom on behavior but that didn't happen. It is easy to give the parents blame and the kids amphetemines. Why don't they give him some ideas on how to snap this kid out of his depression with a good kick in the hiney. Poor John doesn't discipline him the way he should because he is afraid of hurting the poor kids feelings. I told my daughter that and she laughed her butt off. Like I have ever been afraid of hurting her feelings. I was tough on her and she is tough now and can take it and dish it out. That's my girl. Like mom like daughter. Can't raise whimpy kids these days. The world is too hard and no one at school or at work cares about hurting someone's feelings.

1 comment:

Lady Sue said...

I think it's an age daughter has had the same problem with her 15 year old step-daughter for the last 2 years..No matter what they do it is never enough for her...She gives him the guilt trips all of the time. If he scolds her or doesn't do what she wants then she doesn't come over to see him...thank god that some day she will be an adult (I hope)... Just hang in there an be as supportive as you can...