Friday, March 17, 2006

How Did Everyone Get So Fat!?

One morning on the bus this week there were like four HUGE women in the front where I sit. This is the Midwest but really I am noticing it more and more. There are just a lot of huge people out there. These women were basically in my age group. One had a cane. A cane at 50ish? Most of the women I work with are huge too and in my age group. I look above average and in a size 10-12 am probably one of the normal sized people. There is one woman here that is thin, but she looks like shit with a 80s hairstyle and orange makeup. Total trailor trash and I don't even talk to her.
Yesterday at the mall I was waiting for my daughter and spent a good hour people watching. At a busy mall late in the afternoon I did not see one woman that was healthy and in shape. Most of the young women in teenagers are sadly out of shape. I guess I do believe those articles and warnings now.
This country is sadly out of shape. A lot of these people were clutching Aunt Annie pretzels and high calorie Starbuck drinks too.
I spend a lot of time at the yoga studio and see a lot of scantily clothed women and men. Most of these people are in shape, especially the regulars. These people are not the norm in America. One thing I noticed is that there is a sharp difference between 40 and over and 40 and younger women. The fitness craze really hit in the 80s and a lot of the 40 and younger women are athletic looking while most of the 40 and over don't seem as fit looking and probably had spent quite some years in a sedentary lifestyle before they came over to the dark side of Bikram yoga and whatever else they do. Even Bikram says it is never too late to start.
No wonder I still look like crap at yoga, but at the mall, I looked better than most of the women I say, irregardless of age.
My scientific study of the week. LOL Evaluating who I look better than.
I did well eating this week with the stress I have been under with my daughter home. I think I am not going to weigh in this week. I have monitored my points but am just not up for the preweighin stress. I need a break. Not from eating healthy. Just a mental break. I have done three sculpt sessions, four Bikram yoga classes, and ab jam every day. I have a lot to do tomorrow too. I may change my mind though.
My daughter is going back on Sunday. Also Johns kid.
There will be no kids at my house next week. Damn that feels good to say that.

1 comment:

Lady Sue said...

People of my favorite past times...

Doesn't it just make you want to go up to those "Fat" people and say "Get with it. You are killing yourself. If I can do this so can you". I wonder if someone had done this for me years ago if I would have listened...Probably not...

I do hate to see the teenagers and even younger kids who are so out of shape...makes me wonder what this world will be like by the time they are our age.