Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Between Me and You

The only thing that matters in the long run is me.
I can't take care of or help anyone else unless I take care of myself first.
Today I am very agitated. My daughter is home on break and is annoying the heck out of me about wanting to buy a car. Which is ridiculous. She can't save two cents and all the while she is telling me this, she is ordering more shoes from the internet and buying something she doesn't need daily. I have no doubt she will not save enough money for this. She also has a suspended license until August due to speeding violations. Last night she wanted to take my car and this just ANNOYED me because I have made it clear, she won't be driving my car with no license.
Then my fiance's son came over for the week and he is on amphetemines for ADD and NEVER shuts up. He talked at me incessantly about nothing for 45 minutes before I excused myself and went to bed because I could not take it any more.
I am SICK of fiance having his hands all over me and the constant sexual innuendo, to be honest, is a total turn off.
Someone from our IT department annoyed me because he won't provide support for systems I am responsible for reporting on.
My coworker has been blathering about NOTHING for about 20 minutes. She, who claims to be losing weight, just went out and got a sub for lunch which she thinks is healthy and she showed it to me. It is not healthy and is LOADED with fat.
And I sort of feel like eating my shirt off today. But I am not. And that is getting easier because I can fit in my thin clothes. I am close to goal. I will not get complacent and self-satisfied with my efforts so far, which will ensue in a backslide.
I ate my fajita for lunch and am satisfied. I have south beach cookie for a snack. I am going to yoga tonight to soothe my frayed edges. They are trying to get in my way. But I WON'T let them.
Also, my Beachbody "friend" saw me Saturday and now that I am thinner than her, she is NOT providing me the support and positivity that I have given her. She said...nothing. That is okay though. It is hard when you got fatter and someone else got thinner. I HATE that when that happens.
It is lonely out here. I am not in a parade with people lining up waving, smiling, and clapping. This is a very lonely parade.

1 comment:

Lady Sue said...

Joan, you can't see me but I'm standing on my Chair waving and cheering you as you go by in your parade....
Hang in there girl...you are doing good. "Remember you are not in control of others but you are in control of yourself and how you chose to live".