Thursday, April 13, 2006


I swear I am clairvoyant. I knew this would happen.
My fiance’s youngest son, age 14, has more issues than Sports Illustrated. My daughter were onto him from day one though. He is a conniving, attention getting baby. Very immature. He is tall and weighs about a hundred and minus ten and has horrible eating habits. He is basically a sugar addict who NEVER puts anything healthy in his mouth. He used to play sports and now has foregone his activities in order to spend his time in front of the tv watching idiot movies or playing video games. He hangs on his dad like an albatross around his neck and is extremely needy. His hyperactivity caused his parents to take him to a therapist recently who prescribed him with amphetamines and sleeping pills for ADD in order to help him focus and improve his behavior.So far, he has gotten worse. He makes noises, like someone with Touret’s syndrome, all the time and talks incessantly about nothing. He can’t sit still. He annoys the crap out of me so much that I can not stand to be in the same room with him for more than five minutes.He is a sweet kid but needs a big kick in the ass. My fiancé worries about hurting his feelings, which my daughter and I laugh hilariously over. She knows her feelings have never been spared by me. I tell it like it is and don’t care if she doesn’t like it when I am honest with her. Anyway, for the past year or so he has gotten in this habit of exaggerating/making up injuries to get out of his activities, which he only signs up for to please his dad, who wants him to be in sports so badly since he does have some athletic talent, but doesn’t have any drive or desire to make him succeed. I know this because my daughter was a top athlete all through school and I know what it takes. Anyway, he used to be in three sports and has given them up one by one. He refused to play basketball this year, even after his dad spent big bucks on him last summer to help him improve his skills. He did agree to sign up for track.I told my daughter that I would give him a 50% chance of not evening starting the sport, but that if he did, it would not be long before he came up with a new imaginary/exaggerated illness to get out of practice/meets, like he has done before with various excuses such as headaches, muscle pain, or stomach aches. Every time he whines about something, his parents haul him off to the doctor and they always find that is was nothing. There is never anything wrong with him.
Last night my fiancé informed me that he has not attended practice this week and that he had him in to the doctor for side pain, which to me, obviously from the explanation, is just a side stitch. Anyway, the little retard claims he has appendicitis, which his brother had last year and had them removed, so he is insisting he is in a lot of pain. Sure. Today he was back in the doctor and fiancé said he appeared fine since last night until they started driving to the doctor’s office and then he starts acting like he is pain. They are giving him a CT scan today. For a side stitch.
How can they not see through this? I mean, I will eat my words a thousand times over if he gets rushed into surgery, but am just in awe and disbelief over this. I am not a perfect parent by any means, but this kid is a piece of work. He is lucky he isn’t my kid. I would make him go to practice and if he informed me then that he wanted to quit, which is what this is all about, I would take the tv out of his room and limit his usage in the family room.But that is me, and I am not his mom. Would love to kick his little ass though and ream him out like he needs to be reamed. Glad we didn’t procreate together, me and fiancé. We would divorce for sure over kid issues, being at extreme opposite ends of the spectrum.


Joan said...

I agree with the tv thing. The tv is a major problem with the kids in our house and there is one in every room but everyone wants to watch the HD tv in the family room with HBO and movie channels. I am trying to set an hour limitation for each family member this summer, but am not sure how successful it will be.

Anonymous said...

I wonder why this kid is so whacked???? hmmmmm could it be the SUGAR? the HORRIBLE DIET? uh, yeah, i am being sarcastic and all the amphetamines and other medications on earth are only going to mask the symptoms (if you're lucky!). figures that these meds were doled out to him so easily by the mds. what ever happened to dealing properly with the REAL cause of a problem rather than over medicating our kids? brutal.