Friday, April 21, 2006


Then I will figure out how to link to other blogspots.

I am tired of it for real. We are for the most part, a very sick, ill society. People are addicted to and killing themselves with crappy processed foods. We have an epidemic of fat, obesity, diabetes, etc, that is killing us and our children slowly.

For my whole life I have been fighting being fat and every time I go down the scale it is because I forego the crap I eat for healthy food. The truth is, I do prefer the healthier food. The reason I eat the crap, when I do, is usually because I am punishing myself or get lazy or just don't care about myself. It is due to something negative in my life, not because I like the crap better.

Yet, every damn time I lose weight I have to fight the people who think that healthy food is bad or it tastes bad. How ridiculous is this?

I have it at home. I love my fiance, but I HATE AND LOATHE his kids who eat NOTHING but crap and every time I am making my healthy food, which the little asswipes REFUSE to eat, they comment on how it looks like crap or probably tastes awful, because it is healthy. These boys NEVER eat a fruit or vegetable and haven't for years. Unless you count the occasional can of peas. I don't count that. The 19 year old lives on frozen chicken patties, frozen pizzas, and white bread. The younger one is worse. He is a sugar addict on ADD medicine. They both have personality disorders. The older one is antisocial and does nothing but watch tv. Has no friends. Is sarcastic ALL the time. The younger one is worse. He is arrogant and stupid. I hate them and I hate putting up with their attitude. Towards what I eat. I mean mind your own beeswax about food because I am NOT pushing any food down your throats boys and your mom looks like crap and is younger than me and talk to me 20 years from now when you look like crap and I look amazing still! A couple of weeks ago fiance or I was making dinner and fiance asked the older asswipe if he wanted some and he said "Not if it is healthy. It probably tastes like crap." I think he should have had his mouth slapped.

Then there is my family. My mom tells me I should cook for this family and not the healthy meals I eat but the kind of crappy cheesey shit she makes. My mom is a good cook, but is incapable of making a veggie not covered in goo and fat. If she makes a fruit salad, you can bet there are a couple of cups of sugar on. When I make something, she questions it, won't eat it, and if she does eat it, she makes a negative comment on the taste and that it is DIET food. She is a 50s mom, thinks I should take care of fiances kids like I am fucking June Cleaver. I should take care of kids I hate? And fix them food which they won't eat even if it is not MY TYPE OF FOOD? I think not.

I just went on a vacation and drank and ate what I wanted, which was almost all healthy and I lost weight during vacation and enjoyed myself thoroughly. Who the hell loses weight on vacation? You are supposed to gain weight right? Because you dieted to get in a swim suit but for a week who cares? You eat EVERYTHING you want and come back with the assumption of a weight gain?

I don't think this has to be. I enjoyed my vacation and chose healthy foods and exercised and drank water, but also had desserts and wine when I wanted. My sister however, who is jealous and did NOT want to hear about the vacation said, "You didn't stick to THAT diet did you?"
She said this very viciously. She also weighs 300 pounds.

Why is there always the assumption that healthy food, the good food that God, if ya believe, or that the earth gave us is not good food, as opposed to Apple Jacks? I would rather eat an apple than Apple Jacks. Just using that since there is always a box in our cupboard at home. Do people REALIZE how stupid they sound? Especially if they are fat and are stuffing some crap in their face and they are lazy and don't ever move their bodies except for from the fridge to the tv? And then they get health problems, whatever it may be, usually something like a bad back or sore feet or tummy problems which they attribute to everything under the sun EXCEPT for their lifestyles? I hear this at work every day.

There is a 300 pound woman who has problems with her feet which I heard her telling someone is probably hereditary. She had surgery. Takes her forever to walk to the bathroom. Of course her problems have nothing to do with her feet. The only time she can move it is when someone announces there is candy or cookies in the break room. She is first in line for that.

People need to change their attitudes. People think going to Whole Foods is FREAKY. You know what? I see a lot of FAT people there too! The health industry needs to change their attitudes. Doctors are the worst. They would rather prescribe a drug or cut you open with a knife than get real with you and tell you you are a mess. Plus, most of them don't know squat about nutrition.

The fact is, for most of us trying to lose weight, live longer, live better, and be healthier have an uphill battle. Thus the rant. I take it all personally. I do. The only people truely supportive are at my yoga studio. Because they GET it. The teachers GET it. They know that yoga heals pain. They know people come in and take yoga and their lives always change for the better. My fiance sort of gets it, but only because I drill him and hold him down and force feed him. See if he doesn't get it, he can't be on my side. I can't be with someone not on my side and thinks I am nuts. It is a lot to take in for a guy with no weight problem who can eat one oreo a night. But this guy also had high blood pressure and was out of shape and now he exercises and eats healthy cause I do the cooking and he has no choice but to eat healthy now. He knows he is healthier and looks and feels better, yet we had this discussion last weekend and I said I am sick of people with this attitude, but ultimately, even though he drinks my medicine, he still has that attitude and allows his kids to have that attitude and be smart asses towards me.


Brad said...

Great post Joan. I like your post. And I think that healthy food can help you a lot to lose weight. If need some healty food info get it from Healthy food for weight loss site

Anonymous said...

I think it is because people are threatened when someone live healthy because it shows them that it can be done. A friend told me that I motivated another friend to lose weight because I was doing WW Core and wasn't suffering or miserable. Others would feel threatened by that -- they tell themselves that the "can't" live healthy because it is impossible/miserable/not fun, and then people like you show them that it is possible and not a miserable way of life. So they try to squash you. Sheesh, i am rambling in your comments! Anyway, YOU GO GIRL.

Anonymous said...

I keep getting people ask me how I'm losing the weight and why I'm looking so healthy - when I explain that its a combo of complete change of diet to healthy carbs and low fat proteins plus lots of exercise they ALWAYS tell me they haven't got time for exercise - then they tell they don't think its their food which is making them fat. Yeah, right!