Wednesday, August 02, 2006


But nope, that doesn't happen. The goal weight is really not some magical number on the scale that sets your life right. Actually you kind of look at yourself and think, this is not where I want to be. I am two pounds under that goal now and there is room for improvement. So I am working even harder.
Also the week after I reached goal some major stresses appeared wrapped in something that looked like my daughter and her financial aid issues with school. I am really stressed to the max and on top of it have decided to quit drinking diet soda. This is a minute by minute struggle where I keep trying to convince myself to have one and then talk myself out of. I had been spending way too much money on it and yesterday I read a post about a woman who quit and said that subsequently her diet coke bulge went away. Now I am sitting here thinking this is odd. Is THAT what that is still around my waist? A diet coke bulge. For the past few days for some reason, there seems to be a lot of loose fat around my waist. Hmmm. Must be that diet coke bulge.
Some of days are including double workouts now. Cardio and bikrams or cardio and weights. Today I am somewhat tired so will just do cardio after work. I was thinking about weights, but I am really tired and the stress from my daughter and the other kids in my home is getting to me. It seems there is always a kid there and there isn't supposed to be. My fiance's oldest son is almost 20 and quit his job in May and hasn't looked very hard for another. He is with us half time so I just put up with two weeks of coming home to him camped in front of the tv. Today I kind of let fiance have it, since he is so willing to condemn my daughter for all of her transgressions. He claimed he told the kid to get a job but I doubt he did it forcefully or as forcefully as I would have. I would have been all over his lazy ass in June. All this kid does is watch tv and I am sick of him. I hope he gets an apartment and moves out. Mine will be gone in a few weeks and she needs to be on her own too.
So just stressed and not being fat any more does not alleviate the stress, but makes it more manageable since I don't have to manage self-loathing for being fat on top of it.


Anonymous said...

Hi Joan. Great job keeping focused and real about the weight issue. I admire you!

You have my sympathy regarding the kids/young adults. My husband's parents enabled 2 of their children to be dependent on them by letting them live with them and never forcing any issues, and those 2 children NEVER became independent! They are now 47, and 53 years old!!!! The parents are almost 80 years old and are STILL supporting them!! It absolutely blows my mind. To make matters worse, those 2 "children" have terribly low self-esteem now, and struggle with depression. They've never seen themselves being strong and independent!

The lesson there is that we parents MUST be forceful (and I think it can be done in a loving manner)and kick young adults OUT of the house, putting them in a sink or swim situation if they won't do it on their own, so that they will grow and learn and be independent and self-confident.

Anonymous said...

I used to drink a lot of diet coke or diet pepsi and I gradually started drinking I'm so addicted to my flavored water that I can't remember the last time I drank a diet coke, and I have nearly a full case in my fridge from probably 2 months ago. I honestly never saw any difference as far as a diet coke tummy bulge when I quit drinking it, but I do know of people that say diet soda makes them feel very bloated and gassy. If a person is gassy it could lead to some bulging, but not in terms of tummy rolls or anything like loose skin. I think its more in terms of an intestional discomfort and temporary at that. There are other people that say that diet soda causes cravings because of the artifical sweeteners. If a person is craving more things, they're gonna give in and ultimately THAT could cause a tummy bulge. Also, loose skin is very common following a weight loss. It takes a while for the elasticity to catch up to you. Thats how some people can tell they have lost a little weight before they even weigh in for the week. Its normal. You're just very intune to your body and notice your changes while they are still in progress.

Joan said...

You are right Lisa and I can tell you one thing. If his kids are 47 and 53 and still being supported by fiance and living at home, I can tell you one person who won't be there-ME! LOL
CJ Yeah I do have loose skin on the belly which seems to be improving. I am not consulting with a plastic surgeon yet though and am giving it time