Monday, May 21, 2007


I finally lost a pound. Whoopee! It was hard work. Actually, I think I ate a little more lately. The whole detoxing thing I was doing resulted in nothing but driving me a little nuts for a while. Now I am pretty much trying to stay at about 1500 calories a day for the next seven weeks until I attend my friend’s son’s wedding. I ordered a Vera Wang dress. Hope it fits. It is low in the back and I think I am firm enough there, but if not, I can send it back but it is gorgeous and I can use it for my marriage next year. We are not having a wedding of any sort. We are going to Hawaii. So I have a long term goal of getting into actual bikini shape for that.I am doing the Josh Hills last seven pound workouts. Ironically that is my goal for the final six weeks of this program. I am also ramping up the cardio this week. I just haven’t been able to do as much as I want and I know that will make a huge difference. That with clean eating ought to allow me to get into the shape I want to be in by July 7. I did about a million squats and lunges yesterday and am hurting in a good way today.
The most important thing though is the food. I really walk a fine line between eating well and over or under eating. Today I am logging in very few calories for the amount of exercise I am doing, but I eat more over the weekend, but this weekend I did not binge. I fluctuate on my calories. No way can I anally do 1500 a day no more or less. Some days it may even go over 2000. After I attain my July goal it will be strict maintenance. No more dieting. I have been dieting for too long. If it weren't for the binges, I would probably weigh about a hundred pounds.
People still aggravate me. Two big women I work with started weight watchers and the same week decided to plan an ice cream social at work. I don't even participate in those at work and haven't in a long time, but in the first few weeks of weight watchers, you are pretty vulnerable. It is just a catalyst for disaster and they won't last at weight watchers. I went to an actual meeting this Saturday and there were about ten people there. No lie. Even a month ago there was more but back in January there was a hundred or more per meeting. The failure rate is just so huge for weight loss. Most of them probably quit and are attending ice cream socials at work. I don't even stay for the meetings. There are some women there that have been there almost as long as I have that are still overweight. These people aren't trying. It was good for me in active loss because I liked getting stickers and awards for acheiving my goals. My goals are differenet now and I can't handle the distraction of people whining about not liking exercise or drinking water or eating vegetables which is pretty much every weekend. It worked for me for a while.

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