Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Doing Good

I am meticulously logging calories and staying at 1500 right now, maybe closer to 1600. I am planning a couple of 1800 calorie days a week. My workouts are under control and I am fueled enough with protein and the right carb ratios that weight loss should be imminent. I am in the driver’s seat again. I have been studying all the lit I have, volumes, on fat loss and feel the diet I was trying to stay on was way too restrictive, thus bringing about the binges. I had to kind of go back to my old philosophy of not restricting most foods. This is working out better and I feel more satisfied and feel healthier. I am not low carbing it and am not starving all of the time. The right mental attitude is back that I will lose and I will be in the best shape of my life in eight weeks for the wedding. I am back to the Josh workouts and feel better all ready. I have tapered my yoga to about 3-4 a week. I can’t do all the workout and do 5-6 yoga classes a week. I know a lot you hardcore people out there think yoga is for pussys, but not Bikrams. If you saw me in Bikram yoga, you would be impressed with the strength and intensity I bring to the yoga. No kidding.


Anonymous said...

I think any yoga is a great workout let alone Birkam yoga. You are doing great!

I love the way you discuss self lies because I know when I was at my heaviest I did the same exact thing. I see it in other ppl too. Now I know that when I'm working out and am still fat it's because I'm over eating or eating the wrong things. It really is easier to lie to yourself until you look in the mirror and see the truth. I have so been there!

Anyway, good luck on your 8 week wedding countdown! :D You're going to look amazing in your wedding dress.

Anonymous said...

Keep going girl, I knew you could do it! Rip it on the weights! And by the way, you do know that you are MUCH more than just capable, right? 'Cause honestly, most people are basically capable, but most people in the US are overweight and CANNOT achieve what you have....So maybe practice saying, thanks Mom, but I am SOOO much more than capable!