Monday, April 02, 2007


I have noticed for the past few months that there has been an awful sour odor emanating from my fiance’s boy bathroom and that one of them was having quite the episodes in there and I narrowed it down to the 20 year old. He keeps turning the fan on for hours and I have to shut the door now every time I go by. Yesterday I could smell it downstairs. I mentioned it to him and he talked to the kid about it and sure enough, he has been having problems for several months.
I am not surprised. The two boys were raised on prepared foods. They never eat a fruit or vegetable of any sort. That is NOT an exaggeration. When I first moved there I idealistically thought I could change them but they resisted and now I have to eat my own meals separately. They won’t eat what I eat and I won’t eat what they eat. I am thinking this kid has diverticulitis or IBS. He is supposed to go to the doctor this week.
No matter what he needs a radical change to his diet of frozen chicken patties and frozen pizzas. He won’t even eat whole potatos. It has to be instant. I tried teaching df about perimeter shopping but he buys nothing on the perimeter except milk and high fat hamburger. They eat any dinner out of a box. Lots of bologna and hot dogs. White bread.

Hate to say I told them so. But I did. Plus the 15 year old started a sport and got hurt. Again. He weighs a hundred and minus nothing. His diet is the worst. Orange soda and chips and candy. One in a while some chicken. No milk. He may have a stress fracture in his hip from track. Surprising? No.

Then I come into work and my coworker is having stomach problems and may have an ulcer. Her diet is horrible too. She talks about losing weight but never does it. Someone just brought a bowl of taco salad they made out and of course she had some.

My weight is slowly ever so slowly coming down again and I don’t eat perfect, but I know this is ongoing. I prefer the healthy food I eat now to the crap I see other people stuff themselves with. I find it alarming living in a household with two young kids who really have rarely had a healthy meal in their lives and now starting to see the consequences. I think df is alarmed though. He went to the grocery store and actually brought some veggies and fruit and had oatmeal and berries for breakfast himself. He can’t say I didn’t warn him.

1 comment:

BeepBeep said...

JOAN - get your arse into gear and get posting. I miss your voice. I read all your archives recently and was very inspired. You kick arse. I love your take on life. Your writing is very good.

So what's been happening for you lately?