Friday, July 13, 2007


By not getting on the scale for two months. Today I weighed myself and am up about ten pounds now from my lowest weight. That totally sucks. I just jump back on though because this is not acceptable, but it is predictable.

Because I am, after all, a yo yo dieter. The scale is my enemy. I have been known to not get on one for years and years. The last time I did it for a long period of time, I gained about 40 pounds. So this time, I got off easy. I was going through a lot of stress not weighing myself and now the stress is gone because I KNOW where I am and am not living in denial that no my pants aren't really getting tightere. Because they are. I hate saying that. But it is true.

This is a bad cycle I have been in all my life. It is self destructive and it makes me feel a lot of self-loathing so I punish myself by eating.

But I know I will lose it again. Everyone backslides. I am a yo yo dieter and a food addict and nothing will change that. If I would not have gotten on the scale in another two months, it would have been another ten pounds and at 20 pounds, I would be less likely to lose it. The ten pounds is doable. I am getting married next February and intend to be in the best shape of my life.


Anonymous said...

Joan, hang in there. Get back on track. And try to go easy on yourself for the backslide (which is not the same as ignoring it, of course!)...I definitely think you are too hard on yourself, and yes, that would make anyone feel like binging...good job catching things and getting on track...

Tom said...

Great article...Has anyone heard of or checked out blog yet? This was an article on losing belly fat that I really liked… just thought I'd share.