Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Can't Believe It Has Been So Long

Wow. I am still doing P90x. Not losing weight, but am losing inches. It seems like my weight should budge a little, but I seem stuck and it is driving me crazy.
I lost pretty consistently until I hit goal. I am now four pounds below but feel there is definitely extra fat to lose. I am working out super hard too.
Feel kind of out of it though. I don't have a real good support system and feel isolated even though I am the one isolating myself from family and fiance. We are just not on the same page as far as goals or mutual interests right now. He is focused on kids and I am focused on self-improvement. He seems happiest around the kids and I have disengaged myself. My kid isn't in my face every day so just don't feel like being around his either. I know that is selfish, but that is the way it is. Luckily he doesn't complain or seem to mind.
Last Saturday for instance he went to the youngest kids last cross country meet of the year. It was cold out and I hate being outside. I ran around, shopped, went to two yoga classes, and kind of felt bad. He always tries to come with me for something to do with my daughter but I just didn't make the effort. He goes to church alone on Sunday while I go to yoga. I feel very selfish but in order to reach my goals. I could ride around with him and sit on the couch entertaining kids but I would get fat if I did that.
Oh well. I am what I am.


Anonymous said...

You might want to get your body fat tested; you've probably gotten so fit at this point that you are building muscle and losing fat, which won't show on the scale. Or it shows as very slow weight loss. Losing body fat is more difficult than 'just' losing weight, in my experience. If you're working out that hard and eating clean, I'm sure that's why you see it in inches lost, not on the scale. The fiance thing...I know you've been thinking this one over for some time. I wish you the best; relationships are so hard. Maybe your just 'not that into him' at this point? Zoe

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