Wednesday, July 05, 2006


That's right. I am about three pounds from goal.
I haven't been logging for a couple of weeks due to the problem with my hand. The good news is that the bone is almost healed, but I sprained one of the other fingers falling on it in yoga. Calamity Joan here.
I am also busy with my daughter being home from college. It isn't starting to wear on me. She has huge weight issue and has gained a lot of weight. She has always had weight issues. When she played basketball she was heavy and ate a lot, but she was somewhat in shape. Now that she is not active, she has gotten flabby and soft and still eats enormous amounts of food. I have seen very few people who can eat what she does. I offered to help her this summer and have spent a lot of time making healthy meals. But she still eats too much. Last night she ate about seven pieces of chicken for dinner. I am somewhat alarmed about all of this. There is just nothing I can do. Plus, my grocery bill is enormous buying food to fill up Jethro. Also she told my mom that I am TOO FOCUSED ON WEIGHT LOSS AND EXERCISE! So she is obviously very intimidated by my weight loss. I feel like giving up because I firmly believe a person has to make the decision themselves to change and she just hasn't done that. DF has been finding Burger King bags in the garbage too, her favorite fast food, so I know she is eating tons of food. Almost every day she is asking me if she looks better. For all I know, I am putting this extra work in and she could be gaining. Obviously she has issues. Not sure what to do.
I have escalated my workouts and continued to eat better because I am so close to goal. I will still lose after I reach the weight watcher goal, but I will eat more food. I have a new food plan figured out. I am hoping I reach this goal sometime this month.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

First of all good luck with your new food plan. I'm interested in hearing more about it. We've all heard of the "freshman five" or is it the "freshman fifteen"?

Anyways, its VERY common for students to put on weight while they are at college. None the less, I can definately appreciate your concerns about your daughters' weight and of course you would be concerned for health/fitness. It's hard to know why she is constantly over eating but surely something is at the route of it. A lot of people eat more when they are lonely or depressed or even stressed out or just plain bored. Could she be substituting food for a friend? Whatever the deeper problem is, I hope she is able to come to terms with her emotions. My other thought when I first read your blog entry was why was there 7 peices of chicken cooked?. It may be that the first place to start would be to not over cook anymore. I know people like to have extra's all cooked up for other meals, but if she (or anybody else in the house) is going to be eating it all at one sitting, then that strategy wont work. double up and triple up on veggies, salads, anything in that area and only buy and cook small portions of the meats or starchy fattening side dishes. Thats not the same as putting her on a diet, its only being reasonable. As for the fast food eating...Ugh!! thats a huge temptation for a lot of people. I would be clear in telling her to let you know when she plans to be eating out so that you'll know when you should be cooking less. Maybe you can get her to be a little more active if she isnt all ready by asking her to walk with you after dinner etc. Sometimes something as small as a change in routine can be a big motivation factor.