Monday, July 10, 2006


Yes, I am one pound from goal. I will not be where I want to be but I will be in a healthy weight range for the first time in at least 20 years. I have spent most of my life being overweight. Now, I no longer am.
But I haven’t achieved what I really need, which is to have the best body for me. There is still fat on my body I need to be rid of. And although I am in good shape, I want to be better.
After I reach goal, hopefully this week, I will go into maintenance mode. Which means adding food, but I am going to change and refine my diet. It will only get better and I will keep working out harder than ever.
Thanks to anonymous for the comment on my daughter. You are right, making too much food is not a good idea. One reason I do it is to have leftovers during the week so I do not have to cook all the time. I think I will start making less.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on being normal weight! *confetti and trumpets* That must be a great feeling - a relief. I hope to be there soon.

Best wishes for your transition to maintenance. I keep reading (elsewhere) that maintenance is not much different, in terms of food, than the diet. So, if you enjoyed the foods on your diet, and could follow it easily at the end, then you should be fine on maintenance! Many people (me included, in the past)seem to feel they can often eat whatever they want after they hit their goal, but that's far from the case. I won't make that mistake again. I will also weigh myself every week so I can nip weight gain in the bud before it becomes a lot to lose.

Thanks for blogging!