Tuesday, June 06, 2006

6 Lbs Away

I broke my hand just walking down the street and falling. It is better but keying is hard. I am actually turning into a lefthander. Today I go back to the doc to see if surgery is necessary but I am hoping not.
I am 6 pounds from goal and am amazed. By setting small goals over a long period of time, I have gotten to this point.
On September 1st last year I got out of denial and stepped on the scale at 221.5 pounds. My first goal was to get below 220. Luckily that happened the first week. Actually the first day. That was a Monday. By Tuesday, I was 219. My next goal was to get in the 200s. That happened relatively quickly. I joined weight watchers on October 1st and weighed in at 212.4. By the next week I was down to 207. The next goal was the one hundreds. Getting below 200 is huge for anyone because well you don’t feel so HUGE. This is a big psychological advantage. I have done it four times. True story.
My next goal was 191 since that was my 10% for weight watchers. Then below 190. It took me a couple of months to get out of the 190s. The next goal was 180s. Again, a couple of months for this but huge accomplishment. I have dieted many times to get in the 170s. I am a big person so this is a good weight zone for me.
The 170s are going pretty quickly. So far. Probably because of the 4 sessions of 45-60 minute elliptical I have added. 177 was my former Ediets low weight. I am now 175 and this is about the weight I was when I graduated from high school. I had much less muscle then so was probably flabbier. I am looking pretty buff right now. I do have excess skin and am worried about that.
So my next goal is 169 which is my high end of my weight range. I will go on maintenance at that point but will be doing a stricter BFL type of eating plan at that point and hopefully can start doing weights again as my hand should be healed.
Typing is still soooo hard.


Lady Sue said...

Sorry to hear about your hand...bummer...but you can still do most of your work outs right?
You are sooo close to your goal and I just know you will do it..

I've got to where I am doing the same thing you have...just taking it in small steps...I remember that great feeling knowing I was out of the 200's ...whoop whoop...

Your goal is where I am right now at 167-169... I wish I was your height so I could be happy with it like you..but at 5'4" I know I need to lose at least another 20 pounds...bummer...but I will do it one step at a time..right now I'm aiming for 165...it seems like there will always be a goal...
Keep up the good work

Joan said...

DON'T THINK ABOUT THE 20. I know I will want to lose more when I get to 169, but I am just not thinking about that. That will be a whole other battle. Just living in this battle for now! LOL
Small battles add up to winning the war ya know?
I can't lift weights right now but can do cardio and yoga, thank God!